Sunday, November 13, 2011

When morning gilds the skies..

Where did I first learn that hymn?  Some hymns, or phrases, are so deep into my memory I have no idea where I learned them.  I am convinced that we had devotions with hymn singing at the camp I attended for several summers. 
I know Mother/Flo and Dad and all of us went to church regularly.  Of course there was no hymn singing at George School.  And now I get to be part of a church choir.  In fact, today I will go early to JUMC to sing with their choir at Kathy's request, even tho Crim will not have choir singing today. 
I love sitting in my kitchen window, even on cold mornings, and feeling the sun come up and hit my back. Of course then i need to close the curtain to be able to keep the sun off the computer screen.

Maybe I should start "writing down" some of the few memories I have from my childhood and maybe that will trigger more memories.  LIke the story I wrote of the red courdory set mother made for me.  And was my concern about spoiling the outfit because I had been beaten for hiding my underwear? And is that why I am so almost obsessive of keeping my dirty clothes rounded up?

We certainly had our issues, Flo and I, in my childhood. 

And there are definitely sky related issues that sometime, no matter how I hold my head, I can not see the tower light I call my "God light" - but like God, I know it is out there.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Prayer shawl?

I have been thinking a lot about our prayer shawl ministry this AM.  I woke wondering and ?worrying? about Advent knitting, a meeting soon, silent sermon, why are we in a period of down? was this just an Alicia thing?  In trying to discern how active to be or is this something I should let go of, I realized that in some way I think this is tied to my identity.  Will I loose part of my identity/purpose if this disbands? and yet there is definitely an ongoing need for prayer shawls - Elaine asked about one for Pam  and I wonder if Alicia has made one for her friend Robin - or could Lewis use one as a physical symbol of our love and support for him?

And tied into all of this is my compassion for those in the LGBT community.  As I pray and ponder this, I can not get past the fact that God loves us all - the oddballs, the outcasts, etc., so how is it that the "church" can tell someone that they can not be all they want or feel called to be?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Tired tonite

It has been a busy week.  I have been part of a group of people preparing for our Bazaar and Turkey dinner tomorrow.  Tuesday we fed the District Clergy group as they met at our church.  Long day of standing.  I have stopped by the church each day since for anywhere from a couple hours to most of the day - 10:30AM today to 3PM.  Tired tonite.  Just not used to standing on my feet that long anymore.  Tomorrow will be a challenge as I go to Balance/Stretch class at 8AM, then on to the church for the remainder of the day.

Weds we finished painting the initial coat on the building.  Looks pretty good if I do say so myself.

Forgot to tell Alicia I read the book - dry grass of August.  I think it is one she would like to read.  I am sure she knows Bruce Blankenship is back at AB- or maybe she doesn't.  She called it right when she guessed that Retired Bishop Groves would be our interim Bishop with Bishop Lyght retiring at the end of this calendar year.

Sam has started his Christmas decorating = two inflatables up, snowflakes hung on the fence and lights above his garage doors.  Guess we really should do some of our outside decorating, but not tomorrow, that is for sure.  I did get the Halloween decorations down this PM.  Discarded the flag as it is faded.

And my "christmas cactus" is blooming!

May consider sharing this blog with a couple friends - have not yet decided.  Too tired to make a decision tonight, that is for sure.  Going to get ready for bed and maybe read a few pages in JRobin's book-