Friday, December 9, 2011


I have forgotten the names for all the steps in the progression of faith in the Wesleyan tradition.  I remember I am granted Grace - it is free from God.  He claims me and my acceptance is justification.  I hear discussion of saints as not just being people like Mother Teresa, esp not just of dead people.

Today I read 1Thesselonians 5:23-24 and the commentary in my Bible, also the Upper Room Discipline reading on this passage and it is helping me come to a better understanding of sactification.

Here is what I now think I understand - (don't just love the specificity-)
Sanctification is being set apart by God and results in our doing what is best.  Again, it is an action by God that comes with expectations of good living - of doing good things., and not the RESULT of this.  Same as grace is from god and not a reward.   That is the difficult thing for us to get.  Jesus came to save us- took away our punishment and our reward is salvation.  AS A RESULT OF THAT LOVE, WE ARE TO ACT CHRISTLIKE.  God has already taken the action.  What we do with that shows him our love back to him.  He acted first, let my actions be ones that reflect my thanksgiving.
Thanks be to God. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Anniversary dates

For some people, anniversary dates are important - something they never forget.  I worked with a nurse that always took the date of her wedding anniverary off.  Sometimes mine almost skirt by and I hardly notice.  When Alicia renewed my baptism, she gave me a candle to light on that date each year.  I think I remember the date - may 14th - but I am not totally sure.  I do remember, powerfully, that act of rededication - I suppose of reaffirmation by a formal covenant with God.  And I strongly remember that time as when Keith started attending church services with me.  I also remember the wisdom and guidance of Alicia, who is still a strong person in my spiritual life, even tho, in her words - she is not my pastor any more.  She is, but not in formal naming.  And I have as a mantra, especially on days that are not as cheerful - that both Who I am and WHOSE I am.  Thanks be to God!