Sunday, February 3, 2013

Snow Day

I know I am a valued child of God.  I know my identity is not defined by where I am and what I do.  But today feels so strange.  It is Sunday - and we are not going to church.  I have sat in silence, I know it's OK with God, but it feels strange.  There is snow - yes - but if I had had to go to work, or somewhere, I would have made it.  But now I am 70, my husband 72, and we gave ourselves permission to just not go today.

And more snow is forecast.  My plea at this point is to be able to make our planned luncheon for A on Thursday.  I can move money around in accounts to avoid the planned first of the month trip to the bank.  Only problem there will be the 30 day thing, so each month will move farther and farther from the actual first of the month.  I guess there are ways of dealing with that as well.

So today I will have periods of quiet - and times I am annoyed, but I will remind myself that it is OK with God to miss one Sunday - and remember to "Be Still".

Now to try again to scare off those annoying scavenger "black birds" -

Thanks God for loving me just as I am.