Thursday, March 14, 2013

Kitchen work

Our church is preparing to renovate out kitchen.  This will be a significant project for us.  We have money dedicated for the work and will need some additional "fund raising".  We are being blessed by many who are providing services and physical labor.  But (and there seems always to be a "But"...) we are falling behind in our regular obligations financially.  

As a member of the "kitchen crew", we desperately need a new stove - ours has rust around the face of the oven - seen when you open the door - and one door spring has broken so it needs to be propped closed when  you are baking.  And there is an area around our sink (not the proscribed 3 bowl sink) that is not sealed and you can guess the rest of that story.  We are reasonably sure the Health dept has kept a "blind eye" to our needs because we are a church.

But as a member of the finance committee, I am gravely concerned that people will dedicate their limited resources to update our kitchen to shiny new, and ignore our financial obligations, and the potential negative effect that may have on our ability to support a pastoral leader with advanced education.

Soon it will be time for me to head to church - today we serve a dinner to the district clergy.  We have a reputation of serving a great meal, not just soup and sandwiches   Maybe we can energize others to see our mission as beyond the kitchen and into the world.  Sure hope so!