Thursday, October 18, 2012

Weather and servant

Yesterday was a beautiful weather day.  A bit cool in the AM as I took my walk - the brilliant blue sky of fall.  As we drove north the colors of the trees were vivid.  Truly at peak in my mind, with several trees down to bare "bones" already. 

After we were done with our appointment we then stalled a bit a the mall, and met up with our son, his wife and their grandchild at a local restaurant for supper.  The baby was fussier than normal.  He had been to a new sitter, and was either or both tired and hungry.  As I think this AM, I guess we are all a bit out of sorts when we are either tired or hungry and certainly both.  As this young child depended on his grandparents to know what he needed to make him happy, so I depend on God to know what I need.  I mean, after all, isn't He omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent? 

But then I am reminded of the prayer we are all taught "our father which art in Heaven"- Hmm, Our father, maybe that means I need to be a bit patient - maybe someone else's need is a tad more important than mine?  And then, that of course leads back to today's reading in Mark (10:35-45) and servant leadership.

So, let me today be a patient, servant leader.  Let me be in a state of constant prayer for not just myself but for others.  May I again today pray to be the best me I can be to serve and be an example to others. 

Thanks be to God

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