Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Word for 2013

Various bloggers that I respect select a word to represent their plan for their life in the coming year.  I am adopting the word LISTEN as my word.  To be still and listen - to God and to others.  To not spend the time someone else is speaking preparing my next remarks.  And that will be a bit difficult for me.

And while I am listening, I will listen to see if I am to let others know that I (randomly) post to this blog.  I would like to share my knitting experiences more or less as they occur, with others.  And this blog would be a good place to share.  Like twice this Christmas season having to almost hold my breath that I would have enough yarn to finish a pair of socks.  In both cases I started the set convinced I had enough yarn, then doubting as the second sock was nearing completion- and the skein of yarn significantly dwindling.  In both cases I found myself making alternate plans- going to be bed and --- could I find another skein, if I did would it show a significant difference in the dye lot.... would I have to frog and re-knit with a slightly shorter cuff....?  In both cases I forged ahead, and in both cases ended up with enough - and a very small ball of leftover yarn.

Is that how I treat myself?  With doubt in myself.  Isn't that part of my positive listening that I am going to work hard on this year?  When I (or another person that I trust) tell me I have enough, to sincerely believe.  So maybe the first place to start is to Listen and see if I should share this blog.

What do you think, God?

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