Monday, February 24, 2014

Parallels of my life to Moses

After I read the OT reading in exodus today, and was challenged to identify a "life-altering encounter with God", I began to think about the various parts of my life - and where I felt I encountered God the most.

I worked backward - because in the almost 10 yrs since my retirement, I have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit most in my life.  Maybe because I am able to take time to allow this to occur.  Not dramatic occurrences, but the quiet sense of companionship.  Of being in the right place - where God wanted me to be.

But when did I feel I was most "in the wilderness"?  I guess that separation from known family and friends in Richlands - but I did have a spiritual time there with RPC and a growth of my spiritual identity in the Women's circle there, by accepting responsibility to bring a meditation of devotion to the meeting.  (Not feeling ready to actually lead the bible study/lesson.)

Or does that make that the mountaintop time?

So then was Mgtn the time of oppression?   - or maybe that was the beginning of the journey from "egypt" - Very little church time, but D helped me find my Maundy Thursday base in her UMC.

Certainly I felt my spirit oppressed during my later years at B - between an MD who I would in later  years reacognize as "abusive" in actions and language, and the discouragement of feeling unknown and un recognized in the congregation to which I belonged.

And I will continue to be thankful for the pastor that led me into recognizing the way I am loved and beloved, and quietly encouraging me to acknowledge that relationship with God.  It's not that I am special from anyone else, it is that each and every one of us is special to God.  What a glorious thought.


Monday, February 10, 2014


I finished the book, The Laws of Gravity last night.  You find the answers to some of life's hardest questions in the most unlikely places.  Recently I discovered that I finally understood "discernment" - as the HOly Spirit speaking to my spirit.  And last night, the answer to why do we have Free Will, came out of the closing parts of this book.  Two older Jewish women are talking, having recently completed a special course to become "Bat Mitzvah" and one asks the other, why did God give us Free will?  And the answer is. 'because He wants us to choose Him".  Now, is that a "duh" or not?

So today I am reading the old testament reading in Deuteronomy (30:15-20), and what do you suppose is the text?  A whole bunch of "if-then" statements, all surrounding the concept that If one chooses God/to follow God, then good will ensue, and if you do not, then the evil results will follow.

So, let me continue to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  And le me be aware of the consequences if I choose to go a different route. My life friend. Janice, has asked me to prepare to say a prayer at the Memorial service she is planning for her husband, Jim, who seems to be in the final stages of life.  May I listen and hear what God wants me to say.  If I listen then I will say what they need to hear.

Grace and Peace-