Saturday, August 2, 2014

Loaves and fishes and covered dish dinners

As I read Matthew 14: 13-21 I was struck (again) at how this story ties in with so much of what I see in the church.  Jesus is in mourning - immediately before this we read of the beheading of John the Baptist (his cousin and the person that set the tone for Jesus's ministry).  Jesus tried to get away and the people followed him.  So, it's meal time, and the disciples ask what they can do about feeding the people - a pretty common question.

Now I am both a pretty literal person, and a realist.  In my mind there is NO WAY 2 loaves and 5 small fish, meant to nourish one person, could feed 5,000.  So here is my take on the matter.  Jesus blessed the loaves and fishes, and as they started to pass them in baskets, many of the people that had travelled had a bit of food with them, which they then shared, and as is common at most of the covered dish meals I've attended and helped serve, they ended up with more left over than they thought they had at the start.

And this ties in so well with the sharing of the resources in Acts.  People sold their holding and gave to the church for the welfare of those in need.  The need to take care of each other out of love is the basis of Christianity - to love one another as you love God and yourself.

The sharing of  love and community meals- even at funeral meals when it is rare to not hear the sound of laughter.  God loves us, no matter what, and I believe when we laugh, He laughs with us.

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