Sunday, July 8, 2012

grousing - well whining

OK, this being out of electricity and running the generator is really getting old, but I am very grateful to be able to do that.  So far, we lost electricity on 6/29 about 7:30PM, got power back on Sunday 7/1 at 7:40 PM and then lost it in a storm at 10:40pm.  On calling Mon power I was told they knew of our outage and reported to me the number I had been assigned on Friday PM.  -

On MOnday 7/2 I again called in with no power and again the original number was reported to me.  Of course all of this is via computer.  I am uneasy that some one will come along and note that our original outage had been cleared and remove us from the list of concerns.  I know Sam has been in communication with his close friend John Cutright who is assessor and part of what I consider to be people in the know.

Tuesday I met up with Susie Cvechko in the grocery store and she commented that in an assessment meeting with the Com Center there had been no mention of outage on Union road.  Tues PM went to VBS and it was nice to be out of the house for a while, but hot on return.

July 4 we did make a trip to Alicia's and took King.  Nice to have a few hours away from the house, but of course it was almost dark, hot and stuffy when we got home.  House never did get cool for the night.

Thursday I called the power company AGAIN and this time was given another new number - again makes me feel like we had been overlooked.  House at bedtime in high 80's - fan gives little respite.  Washed clothes and hung them on the drying rack outside -

Friday, called power company again and given same (newer) number.  Recording says they hope to have all of Barbour County on by Sunday PM.  Went to VBS.  Temp in LR at bedtime is 88.

Saturday Dewey calls to tell me there is a switch thrown on a pole by the Independence Church.  Of course all I get from the Power company is the same recorded nonsense.  Sam assures me he had talked to a human being and they were aware of our issue.  I gave up and called the Com Center and a person there said there were trucks staged in the County at Tacy and they would be sure the folks got our message about the switch - they were aware this outage in the Indepenece area.  For me to call when I got power and if I did not to call back in 4-5 hrs and let them know.  I called back at 4PM or so and told them.  Have seen power repair trucks past our house today for the first time.  Found at at the store that there has been no power up the Independence "holler" at all since the storm on Friday and there are lines down in the field which have been reported.  Keith and I spent time on the back deck as the heat is still bad there but not in the sun and some breeze.  When I went in to fix us some dinner, I found a message from Com Center that we should have power by 8PM and if we did not to call again and they would again see if something could be done.  As we were getting ready to go buy more gas to fill and run the generator through the night for the first time due to now oppressive heat - we were going to run a fan in the BR through the night- power came on about 7:55PM.  Halleluia!

After a fairly normal night, minus generator and house finally cooled to the 75 degrees, and the air conditioner is running quite a bit, we went to town to eat about 2PM, another hard storm hit and when we came home we again had NO POWER!  I called Mon Power, second number is repeated as if never better (never did get a call telling us the power was on, btw).  Called the Com center and after I asked if they had any more miracles, again said our power was off and I was not sure the company would pick it  up.

So, here it is 9PM, back on the generator, so far about$100 spent on fuel, and we face another indeterminate period of time without power.  We have heard that some of the folks further up the road (that had power from Sunday to today) have had power returned, and others have not.  Some have never yet had power issues.  I am fed up, have no idea where else to turn, am tired of feeling slighted and am just plan bitchy.  I know there are people worse off than I, I know the power company folks are working hard in all this heat, but if I could have a human say they will help take care of the problem i would be much happier. 

End of rant - for now at least.

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