Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Advent versus Christmas

We are in the liturgical season of Advent, but in general public, we party as if it is Christmas.  It is hard to be quiet and prepare in public.  The mood is festive, not anticipatory waiting.  My gift shopping is close to completed.  We celebrated our family gathering and gift exchange on Saturday, and the greatest gift we recieved was being together with our family.  I would say "especially our lost granddaughter" - but truly I was happy to see each and every person.  I was happy to see my daughter in law's enjoyment of our gifts to her - I was happy to see our son  being able to spend time with his daughter.  I was happy to see our 14yr old granddaughter with all her make-up and our 17 yr old  being so "grown  up".  I am always happy to spend time with my daughter and son.

Now I am in an advent mode - trying to sit quietly with scripture and with God.  Reading and hearing the prophet Micah as he reminds us to be preparing our lives and our hearts by doing God's work - caring for others, not putting ourselves first.  Not being greedy.

My greed sometimes in other's happiness - perhaps I get too much joy from purchasing and making things that will bring joy to another - a form of greed, of which I am guilty.

So today, I will go to the church, and prepared Christmas cards for those who are not able to come to church and remind them that they are still in our hearts.  And in that way sit with God and listen.  May we all remember to slow down and listen - stop, watch and listen, not just for oncoming trains, but for God to be in our hearts.

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