Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Mid week - almost the middle of April.  No real organized thoughts today.  Just feel the desire to blog a bit.

I have been uneasy recently - whatever is going on with/in my right eye has settled into being unable to read normal print and a definite mess in the middle of my vision and since 1982 my right eye has been my "best" eye.  Left eye post cataract has the best distance vision - right not as good, and now clearly (almost a pun there-) not as clear in the central vision.  Still functions well for giving me depth perception and .

Been participating in the "Advancing  your Spiritual Growth" class T is leading.  Discovered last week that the paper work he has given us did not make sense with the chapter we were "assigned" - no wonder, the paper work covers numerous chapters.  Goes to show he is not a teacher -  As I have commented to E and A, I am looking for some assistance in my spirit - more in the line of nurturing than feeding.  Made sense to me.

And now I find I am having real issues with my weight again.  During the time I was walking last fall into winter, I got down to the lower 170's.  Then winter struck, I quit regular walking and weight started up again.  When I got sick it went down, then up a few pounds for a couple weeks, then down over 2 lbs and now today back up.  I am at a serious cross roads that means discarding those summer clothes I really liked and was proud to wear in size 14 and buying more in a larger size.  Very discouraging.  But I recognize that eating is enjoyable to me and I am at a place where I feel little satisfying.

I am also discouraged about something I have no control over, but keep urging and trying.  I really need to let that one go- even tho I have been a cheerleader for the effort.  Very discouraging to want to do things, and feel powerless.  Like all the brush that needs to be cleaned up around here- no point in starting more brush piles when the ones I've created over the years are still waiting.  And too many big branches and trees I really can not move.

OK, enough for now - even this computer annoys me since the cursor does not move and if I pause, when I start back to typing the darn thing starts somewhere mid sentence.  Guess I have a LOT of things I can't control and I better just get used to it!

But I KNOW that God loves me, NO MATTER WHAT, even when it seems I have trouble loving myself.

1 comment:

  1. Finally, brothers and sisters,rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you. (2 Corinthians 13:11).

    Be encouraged. Just stopping by to tell you that you encourage me with your comments. The God of love and peace is with you. Kim
