Sunday, April 28, 2013

Love each other

Jesus commands us to love each other as He has loved us.  With all our faults and failings.  He loved the disciples, knowing they would be human and have major faults.  Makes me think of the love a parent has for a child.  Even when they cause us pain, and yes, seem to deny (well, at least ignore) us, we love them.  Even children that are to the world "bad" - we love our child.

A friend of mine has an adult child that has recently been incarcerated, not for the first time.  My heart goes out to her and her family for that pain of social stigma.  Yet I know she loves her child.  Makes my hurts seem so insignificant.

Yesterday I spent the day with a dear friend and had the opportunity to attend a worship service where the sermon was on "re-gifting".  We are encouraged to tithe- give to the Lord first, and then to give of our extra as well.  I remember a line I think from a song, love isn't ours 'til we give it away.  My heart is filled with love this Lord's day.  I have more than I need to survive, but as a pass along "stuff", place my money envelope in the offering plate, and pack up my extra "stuff" for the church yard sale, may I also remember that playing in the bell choir is also giving some of my love, as is the love our leader gives to us as she encourages us (and at times puts up with our adult shenanigans).

Thank you God and the world for loving me.  May I pass that along in words and deeds.

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