Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Just for today

Just for today - that is an ongoing message a friend posts on Facebook as she lifts a concern or prayer.

This morning I woke feeling pretty content - and almost afraid of that sense.  Like my mother's expression of "waiting for the other shoe to fall".  My husband now has a pain he claims is in his hip, but I sense is in  his back.  I had a pain in my back a week ago - I called it a "catch" and thought if someone could help me snap it loose I'd be better - but except for turning certain ways, it barely slowed me down.  I used some heat therapy and then remembered some muscle relaxants we had, took a one each night for two nights and with that rest felt (and continue to feel) lots's better.  Sure hope those pills help him as we are to go away for a couple days soon, and it won't be as much fun if he is in pain.

Yesterday I stayed home all day (unbelievable to some of my friends, I am sure), and had a good day.  Today I need to go out - do several things, at least one of which is related to the phone calls I made yesterday.

I have felt more comfortable with myself these last few days.  Had a good visit with my spiritual adviser on Monday.  He commented on a couple things we discussed that I seemed to be comfortable with decisions I had made as if in better touch with the Holy Spirit.  Powerful thought, especially since on at least one of those decisions it related to "backing off" and actually doing less.

So today, my prayers include the family of a young lady that inherited eternal life way too young, have peace, and that my husband listen to his body and heal so that he (and I) can enjoy our lives relatively pain free.  And maybe that I remember I do not have to be in control and survive.

Just for today - AMEN

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