Thursday, September 5, 2013

Reflection on Psalm 139 and Hymn #393

I am fearfully and wonderfully made - I was knit together/formed for God's purpose.  I need to be still and know what God wants of me - from me- for me.

I am working on the listening and hearing skills.  I have been using "Spirit of the Living God" as one of my calming/centering foci.  Awhile ago, as I sang that hymn to myself silently, I could not remember the first action phrase, so I looked it up.  Interesting to find it is "melt me".

If I am "fearfully and wonderfully made" by the creator, in my mother's womb, then am I not basically perfect?  Funny how life gets in the way.  So as I sit in silence, not exactly meditating, I need to allow the spirit to enter me and calm me - open me - make me accessible to the working of the spirit, so the phrase "melt me" becomes even more significant.  Melt my preconceptions, take away the hardened shell of thinking I know it all.  Only by being melted- pliable- can then the following section take place.  Mold me.  Make me be what You (God) want me to be.  First I have to be melted to be pliable to the Maker to mold me.

And isn't that what society is doing to us all.  We are melted by our exposure to the world - desensitized to cruel and harsh conditions.  Use to seeing people who are hungry- if they just would put their mind to it they could get a job.  So we are molded by those around us with self serving attitudes.  And it is sometimes difficult to resist buying into that.  And I am ashamed to admit I am sure there are times my attitude is no better.  But I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Shaped and formed in the image of God to do good to others, to love and serve.

Lord, give me strength to stand up to what I know is wrong and be molded by You for your work.  Fill me and use me-
Lord, in  your mercy, hear my prayer.

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