Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Funny how a day that seemed like a good, fun day, can turn sour so quickly.  And how fear for one's loved one can seem not so bad - and yet it is.

Yesterday K and I went to a local "wildlife center" - sort of zoo on a country road in a wooded area.  Fun to see giraffes pretty much up close - and various monkeys, even a donkey and of course the lions and tigers and a syrian bear.  And then, just at news time, K had checked facebook briefly and commented that someone had lifted one of our granddaughters and her family in prayer.  They are having Fair time in their county.

After several attempts to get hold of the family, and communication with her uncle via chat, someone in the "crowd" posted that B had fallen with her horse while barrel racing, and B was scratched and bruised but her horse was mortally hurt.  Relief it was not B, and  such an ache for her and her family as I know how much they "love" that horse and how much riding means to B.

And as a mother and grandmother I can't really "fix" this.  When they are ready to contact me, I can offer some financial assistance - but I can't fix the loss of a part of their family, or the disappointment of plans for the summer that won't be the same.

But I can hold them in my heart and my prayers.  And I can rejoice that my son responded in the same concern that I did from a well intentioned facebook post.  We are not always as "close" as I would like us to be.

Do they hold funerals for horses?  This morning I am mourning with their family - my family.  Mourning the loss of the horse that was part of their family.  That B had spent countless hours feeding, training, riding, etc  And a not insignificant financial loss - and that has to be in their hearts too and they will be feeling guilty for worrying about that part.

I know God is with them and all of us in this.  Maybe this is what her g-grandmother's money for her is to be used for?

Lord, in your mercy

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