Saturday, February 28, 2015

How long has it been?

Without going back to check, I have no idea how long it has been since I last blogged.  But here are some more random thoughts for today.

For along time the touch pad on this laptop did not "work" - and then it came back to life.  Now as I type, I have to remember the exercise I was taught in piano - to keep my wrists up so I am not leaning - at this time on the touch pad - then it was on the keyboard,

Another thought - we are going to Ireland soon, and I find that  a lot of my random thoughts circle around that topic. Like some need for "final instructions"  as has happened before,  I am sure that is a combination of that about the question about Advanced Directives every time I go to a doctors' office or health care facility, combined with Rick Blackshire abrupt death.  More on that topic some other time - or later, who knows,

The other topic is my ongoing search for a spiritual formation group.  Someone to discuss my random thoughts - to check in with, as it would be.  I finished reading the Daniel Wolpert book on praryer - Creating a Life with God.  How neat it would be to just share the various prayer practices, trying them out - like we did at the 5 Day academy last fall,  I tried to send out feelers about this and only one person responded with real interehest - then she got a grandson and I really have not pursued it anymore.  I am not toally sure why I don't really explore this with A - I feel ike she is so far advanced in her spiritual life, I guess.  And I have talked about it with L - but other topics come up in that one hour a month.

Over the last few months there have been plenty of times that I have sat in silence - and I have continued to pursue - develop? - my spirit based sense.  There are several authors whose writings I feel I strongley "relate" to.  Joan Chitester, Daniel Wolpert, Barbara Brown Taylor - Alicia Rapking.  It is like they are common folks that "get" the way I feel. Beyond Benedict, or Teresa of Avila, or some other greats the spiritual people quote.

As I think about flying to Ireland, there a few things I am afraid of, and a few that I am not.  I am afraid I will be uncomfortable on the long flight - and not really able to sleep.  Whether I am nosy, or a light sleeper, I am afraid I will be restless - and hence, not rest.  And of course I will worry about K and his actions and reactions.  I am afraid others will disturb me and yes, that I will miss something.  I am not afraid of the plane going down - if that happens there will be nothing I can do, and as much as I don't think I am "ready" to die - I am comfortable with the idea of being dead/with God.  And I can think of lots worse things than being dead.  I am concerned that we be in plenty of time to the airport, but then what will we do with all the waiting times?  For this trip I am a bit concerned that my time will be taken up with some things I don't care about as much and that the time we have to simply absorb and see and learn, will be so short.

And then it will all be over - Lord, let me learn, see, do absorb what You have in mind for me.

The bit about Advanced Directives -  I will do a separate post about that and when I am "done" will print it out.

Now it's time to make soup for dinner.

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