Sunday, April 19, 2015

Just for today-

Just for today I have no responsibilities past myself and simple participation - almost -.  I should make a "one call" about tomorrow's prayer shawl meeting, and I agreed to let Jud know A won't be there for Blue and Gray practice.

How much lighter today feels.  Free to simple "show up" - and to participate if I so choose.  Nothing to make, bake, prepare, decorate, serve.  I have read the Sunday School lesson and think I am ready for the discussion - if I'm not, no big deal!  I can go to Blue and Gray practice, my fund raising information is all prepared to hand in.

And I took a few minutes last night to be quiet and listen as I prepared to sleep.  And this AM about 10 minutes to sit in silence (that trip to the beach was refreshing....).

I am glad I presented worship yesterday.  Glad S and I have remained partners - and  you know, she is right, we can collaborate outside of DLT.  Is she - is electronic collaboration part of my solution to a covenant partner?

But just for today, I will relax and let things go as they flow.  I will take time off from trying to control the world starting with the area around me.  Yes, it looks like something has been digging around the base of the shepherds crook where the bird feeder had hung - maybe E and I can walk to B & G practice.  Yes, E A-C is now gone for a week and has not responded to my query about forming a group - and has my books! - but guess what, I have a book on my Kindle, there are lessons from the Quaker lessons I can access on my computer - it's OK!  And Yes, I really want R to go to church today and meet up with A - but heck, if she doesn't, no skin off my nose.  She is a big girl and they both know I love them each.

So, God, Just for today I will do my best to let go - I have faith you can handle this and I will be a better person for just, letting go!

Thanks for loving me, faulty as I am

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