Friday, July 19, 2013

half full or half empty?

I am reading Sandpiper's blog about going forth - for all purposes, taking nothing and relying on others/God to meet your needs.

And I am part of a small group who is trying to put our kitchen and thus our fellowship hall and storage areas back into useful condition.  I am having trouble seeing the progress for all I see that needs to be done.  I admit I am discouraged.  I guess I am seeing all the mess that is left with my back turned on all that is done.  Standing in the kitchen door and looking out.

We have a work group coming this week- they will get to use our new kitchen before we do.  Will they understand that we had a yard sale scheduled that was postponed?  Will they see the progress or all the bags of "stuff" all over?  Or will they see how nice our new kitchen looks?  Our custodian has worked hard to keep things reasonably clean during demolition and reconstruction, but dust is pervasive and everywhere.  Will people see the shiny new, clean kitchen or all the "stuff" that is still all over?  Do our fellow parishoners see the progress that the few of us have seen, or do they see the bags of "stuff" that is piled all over, in the way of the yet unwashed dishes, unsorted things to wash and store?

And is that how God feels when He has offered even His own Son for us, and all we can see is the mess that that world is in?

I decide, this day, this minute, to look at the progress in the kitchen and give thanks for the time and energy that has been expended - to say nothing about the expense of all these new appliances, stainless steel cabinets, etc.  To be thankful for all that has been accomplished and, for now, to turn my back on all that is still to be done.  I will rejoice for the progress, as I suspect God rejoices for each person that accepts His love.  And I know there will be another day to work, and more workers to do the work.
I will say,
Thanks be to God!

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