Thursday, July 4, 2013

Independence Day 2013

Over the last month, as I sat looking at the floor for a week following eye surgery, and in my recent time away (I spent a week at the Chautauqua Institute) I have spent significant quiet time considering what I want to do "next".  I feel a bit like a teenager, just starting college and not sure what I want to do with my life.  As I have been retired for most of 9 years, I am a bit past the teenage years.  And a small humble part of me still thinks God has plans for me - and a use for me.

In the last 8 years I have cast about, doing lots of different things, seeking a comfort spot on which to land - to focus.  Much of that effort has revolved around my chuch and church family.  And on introspection and prayer, I am concluding that I need to find a way to bundle all my little "jobs" (prayer shawl ministry, card ministry, helping out in the church kitchen, walking, exercising, working in the yard and garden of my own and others) into some type of framework.  As a busy nurse and then nurse leader, I have focused on the list of things accomplished at the end of the day.
I suspect I have kept busy and involved as a way to ensure I am "needed".  And while I recognize the value of each individual person, I think I have a fear of being forgotten- overlooked somehow when the fun times come.    I need to learn to appreciate the value of quiet time spent reading and listening.

So my prayer for me (and if you are reading this, I ask you to join me) is that I welcome a way to wrap all this up in a forward direction, that encourages others to be present in the moment and sense the leading of the Holy Spirit.

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