Thursday, December 19, 2013

Contemplating on a word

Today I read an Advent devotion on "Just Joe".  Related to Joseph's response/reaction to the news that his fiance', Mary was pregnant.  His response was to be "just" - in another version, "righteous".  So that made with word "adjust" come to my mind.   And from "adjust" I then thought of "adduction".  If "adduction", is a medical term for bringing a limb towards the center, then when we "adjust" something, do we bring it more into being right/correct?  How often have I heard or said that someone needed an "attitude adjustment"?  Here comes judging Jane again.  Seems like I spend a lot of time asking for forgiveness for my judging.....

Here in Advent, I am trying, especially in my quiet time, to focus on being prepared for the coming of Christ.  In a sense, then, one might extrapolate that I am trying to adjust my attitude to a more right frame of mind, to not be distracted by all the things I think society expects me to do and to be.  To be simply (just?) Jane and open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

And I have been spending a lot of time recently trying to decide if I would describe my attitude during my morning quiet time as contemplating or being contemplative.

And have I ever remarked before that I love words - ?

Thank you Lord, that I love words and have an active mind/thought pattern.  Maybe it's no so bad for my mind to wander..... maybe that is being contemplative.

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