Friday, January 3, 2014

Word for the year

One of the blogs that I follow, the writer selects a word to guide her year.  I have considered this in other years, and not really taken it seriously, I guess.  But this year I am going to give it a better shot, and I figure by committing it to this format, I will have a reminder.

So with that in mind, I am choosing (or did God choose for me-?-) the word,TRUST, as in Trust and Obey.  I need to trust my instincts to act and to wait. Trust that I am enough - trust that I am loved for myself, trust that I can "do all things through Christ that strengthens me".

In my desire to be perfect - to seek affirmation- I my come on too strong.  I wait for someone else to call me, then make the phone call.  So, in my seeking to trust, how much is my will, and how much is Thy Will?

In these moments and coming days, I will seek to trust more and more - even for something as small as connecting to other bloggers by listing the ones I "follow" on this blogger page.

TRUST - in God we trust, ... trust and obey for there is not other way....

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