Friday, November 9, 2012

Courage and Faith

This passage from today's reading in the Upper Room Disciplines:

Based on Ps 127, as well as this week's reading in Ruth:

"Courage is an element of trust, and trust is an element of faith.  Faith is the underpinning of holy risk.  In the face of doubts and despair, in the presence of foes and fears, the faith that is our heritage from God, God's great gift and blessing, provides courage and confidence." (Martha Highsmith)

I have taken on many different "jobs" during my life.  As I think about courage and faith, I realize that when I have spoken up and volunteered to do something just beyond my confort level, it has been with the base of knowing that it is OK to fail - and that comes ,I BELEIVE, from the knowledge that I AM LOVED - and isn't that the gift of Grace?

And isn't it the love of others that gives us the lift to do things?  I am thinking this AM about getting ready and going to the church to help prepare for tomorrows dinner - and all the other things I have to do - prepare the cards for the congregation to sign, bake breads for pastor for the veterans on Sunday- exercise, and maybe get in a walk.  Then there is all this mess around our house to clean up from the storm.

And knitting projects to be accomplished, and the Prayer Shawl group.  My mind is a whirl of things to do.  But then I am lead back to "why me" - why am I the one to push the prayer shawl ministry?  Why am I the one to bake the bread?  fix the cards, etc.  Sure, part of the answer is "why not you?" - but my constant prayer is to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

God has put many people in my life to be my "support staff" - to be my encouragers.  I think back to Susan Pickering's parents - they thought I was worthy of taking into their lives and on their boat - and gave me things to do.  Lorita Duffield thought I was worth the effort to lead me to become a nurse.  Mrs. Chaffey thought enough of me to allow me to be supervisor - in charge of the Broaddus Hospital.  Norma Workman had faith in me to nurture me in OR.  Joy Don took me into a larger environment in both WVUH and the world of AORN.  I could go on an on...up to Alicia-

Alicia had faith in me to nurture my faith, to have me lead a group of others in the Prayer shawl ministry.  To have us care for their daughter through her senior year in high school.  And now I am considered a strong part of Crim UMC.  Tonya thinks I am worth the effort to teach me in bells, and the friends I have made through the church are beyond the basic word friend.  We are family- family in Christ's body.

Which leads me back to courage and faith.  Because of my faith, I have the courage to make the "sweet tea" - to prepare back packs bags, to listen to God and make notes on cards.  Thank you folks and God especially for your ongoing support.

I like Alicia's ending......To God be the Glory 

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