Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I am reading The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  Difficult reading - makes me feel like I am back in school studying.  I haven't gotten very far, but what I have read has really made me think.  I chose to hear a word to guide me for this year, and TRUST is the word that seems to have been chosen for me.

I am no saint - not in the sense we think of someone without sin - but during these long days of cold and snow - and mostly self required isolation, I have chosen to spend my time being "productive" in some manner.  And as I have discussed my spiritual development with A, I have felt lead to Bonhoeffer.  His definite tie of words and actions is very powerful.  Faith cannot exist without discipleship.  And discipleship is stopping what I am doing and following.  Could I simply put down my knitting and leave?  I admit to bargaining- I'll make those calls this afternoon - So is that not following?  Am I no better than a Pharisee?

On Sunday I rescheduled my spiritual direction meeting scheduled for this AM to next week - L asked if I wanted to wait until yesterday at least to make the change, I felt strongly that I needed to reschedule - and at least in part because I sensed that Keith was not happy with that 9AM appt on a day that was to be below zero in temperature.

Today I will again spend time listening and try to hear- and Trust- And we'll get our hair cut, maybe visit the church and maybe I will even venture back out and exercise.  It is cold and the sun is shining.

God is Good!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Learning life lessons

Just now I had a reminder of a couple lessons that you would think I had learned enough by now.  Multitasking and "second" chances.

I am the queen of multitasking, and periodically someone reminds me that when you think you are multitasking, in fact, you are not paying sufficient attention to either thing to be doing it well.

And in knitting, there are times when you should - or could-  insert a "life line" so if you have to tink (rip out, in nicer terms), you have a line beyond which the stitches will be held.

I have been knitting, and reading on my Kindle.  I frequently knit and watch TV - not something that takes a lot of concentration - and when it does, I put the knitting down.  I am making a pair of socks, and doing the gusset - the part where the heel and the top of the foot come together, and it requires symmetrical decreases to make it look right, so periodically I stop and see if my count on both sides is the same.  So, on doing this, I realized one side had 2 more stitches than the other, and I have to admit, I came close to just slipping one stitch over on the back of the heel to make the numbers match.  But, gulp, I looked down and the defect would have been pretty obvious, even to a non-knitter.  So, I decided I needed to rip out down to where I could see the first missed decrease.  And I hate to tink - take the stitches out one painful stitch at a time.  Thankfully, I then remembered the "life line".  So, I inserted that "life line", pulled out the needles, ripped the sock back to the life line, and now am read to proceed - again.  Except this time I'll not try to read and knit at the same time - at least until the decreases are done and I can go merrily around and around.

So, what have I learned from this?  I would love to say I'll never do that again- but I fear that would be something I likely would not live up to.  Instead, I am thankful for the lesson of the life line, and wonder how many times God has thrown me a "life line" and I was not aware of it?

So, Thank You Lord for all the "second chances" you have given to me - all the times you have thrown me a Life Line - and my I be worthy of Your effort.  Love never ceases,.

Thanks be to God.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

John 1: 42 - linking thoughts

As I read my Gospel passage for today, I had concern for John as a couple of his disciples have chosen to leave John and follow Jesus.  Of course John pointed them out, and in that way possibly encouraged them to go.  But I wondered how John felt when a couple of his "friends" changed directions and followed his cousin.

I have decided that John was pleased - that much as I had "trained" nurses in the basics and they then moved on to other hospitals (and left me....), I was ultimately pleased for them and took some satisfaction that I had given them the basics.

But on what was my third reading of the final line in this passage, I see where two different versions of the passage say Jesus changed Simon's name to Cephas .  One version says this means Peter, and one version says it means stone.  I know later on Jesus will call Peter, the "rock" - fits with the stone part, but my medical training leads me to see cephas as "head".  Both then fit, Peter will be the head of the delegation, the head of the disciples, and the stone, on which the church is founded.

Thanks, God, for the intertwining of words and for my enjoyment with words.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mission and Service

In my readings this morning, I am reminded of Jesus' commandment to us, to love others.  And at the same time I am wrestling (again) with the concept o spiritual gifts.  Which brings me to servant leadership.

My desire in life is to make life easier for someone else.  That makes me think of "helping".  If I show my love of another by trying to help them - ease their burden - then how can they show love back to me at the same time.  I think they help me, by accepting my assistance.

So then, if I were going to "preach" that message, what would be a visible example?  And I call to mind the times I have tried to help someone get up, or turn over.  If they can help me - they mostly cooperate and ease my burden by not being rigid, or actually fighting my efforts.  Which then make me think of someone that is drowning, and back to my Life saving courses of oh so many years ago.  First you need to calm the downing person so they will quit fighting - the water, you, etc., then relax and let you control their movements.

Isn't that what God is doing with us - first trying to calm us?  Peace I give to you.  So that is how we try to help another person - by first being present, calming, getting their TRUST.

We are all one Body in Christ.  Christians first, then into denominations. So if I relax and let Christ work with me and through me, I will be better able to help someone else.  That is what a good servant does - helps you first to be calm and relax, then eases your work/journey.

Trust and obey-  Trust in the Lord.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Words and Signs

Julie Garmon challenges me to identify a word that will be "my word" for the year.  As I understand it, this word will signify my life for the year.  I have selected the word TRUST (as in Trust and Obey, for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey".  UMH #467.

As I looked up this hymn, I find it interesting that it is in a section identified as "Sanctifying and Perfecting Grace".  I guess that says something, and I think I'll leave that thought for just now and come back to the other part of my thoughts for today.

Signs -  I read Matt 16:1-4 today, where Jesus talks about us humans as interpreting signs, such as the red sky and night/ red sky in the AM as ways of predicting weather.  And for the first time I picked up, that it is not up to us (me-) to interpret the signs.  In fact, I suspect that means I should not try, so I have linked that scripture to my word, TRUST.  I am to trust in God's leading, in God's way, and not expect some earthly Sign to give me direction.

Thank you Lord that the worst of the "polar vortex" is over.  May I be more like the birds at my feeders, and trust that you will feed me, and keep me safe from cats and other creatures.  May I be a reflection of your unending love.  AMEN

Friday, January 3, 2014

Word for the year

One of the blogs that I follow, the writer selects a word to guide her year.  I have considered this in other years, and not really taken it seriously, I guess.  But this year I am going to give it a better shot, and I figure by committing it to this format, I will have a reminder.

So with that in mind, I am choosing (or did God choose for me-?-) the word,TRUST, as in Trust and Obey.  I need to trust my instincts to act and to wait. Trust that I am enough - trust that I am loved for myself, trust that I can "do all things through Christ that strengthens me".

In my desire to be perfect - to seek affirmation- I my come on too strong.  I wait for someone else to call me, then make the phone call.  So, in my seeking to trust, how much is my will, and how much is Thy Will?

In these moments and coming days, I will seek to trust more and more - even for something as small as connecting to other bloggers by listing the ones I "follow" on this blogger page.

TRUST - in God we trust, ... trust and obey for there is not other way....