Thursday, January 23, 2014

Learning life lessons

Just now I had a reminder of a couple lessons that you would think I had learned enough by now.  Multitasking and "second" chances.

I am the queen of multitasking, and periodically someone reminds me that when you think you are multitasking, in fact, you are not paying sufficient attention to either thing to be doing it well.

And in knitting, there are times when you should - or could-  insert a "life line" so if you have to tink (rip out, in nicer terms), you have a line beyond which the stitches will be held.

I have been knitting, and reading on my Kindle.  I frequently knit and watch TV - not something that takes a lot of concentration - and when it does, I put the knitting down.  I am making a pair of socks, and doing the gusset - the part where the heel and the top of the foot come together, and it requires symmetrical decreases to make it look right, so periodically I stop and see if my count on both sides is the same.  So, on doing this, I realized one side had 2 more stitches than the other, and I have to admit, I came close to just slipping one stitch over on the back of the heel to make the numbers match.  But, gulp, I looked down and the defect would have been pretty obvious, even to a non-knitter.  So, I decided I needed to rip out down to where I could see the first missed decrease.  And I hate to tink - take the stitches out one painful stitch at a time.  Thankfully, I then remembered the "life line".  So, I inserted that "life line", pulled out the needles, ripped the sock back to the life line, and now am read to proceed - again.  Except this time I'll not try to read and knit at the same time - at least until the decreases are done and I can go merrily around and around.

So, what have I learned from this?  I would love to say I'll never do that again- but I fear that would be something I likely would not live up to.  Instead, I am thankful for the lesson of the life line, and wonder how many times God has thrown me a "life line" and I was not aware of it?

So, Thank You Lord for all the "second chances" you have given to me - all the times you have thrown me a Life Line - and my I be worthy of Your effort.  Love never ceases,.

Thanks be to God.

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