Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I am reading The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  Difficult reading - makes me feel like I am back in school studying.  I haven't gotten very far, but what I have read has really made me think.  I chose to hear a word to guide me for this year, and TRUST is the word that seems to have been chosen for me.

I am no saint - not in the sense we think of someone without sin - but during these long days of cold and snow - and mostly self required isolation, I have chosen to spend my time being "productive" in some manner.  And as I have discussed my spiritual development with A, I have felt lead to Bonhoeffer.  His definite tie of words and actions is very powerful.  Faith cannot exist without discipleship.  And discipleship is stopping what I am doing and following.  Could I simply put down my knitting and leave?  I admit to bargaining- I'll make those calls this afternoon - So is that not following?  Am I no better than a Pharisee?

On Sunday I rescheduled my spiritual direction meeting scheduled for this AM to next week - L asked if I wanted to wait until yesterday at least to make the change, I felt strongly that I needed to reschedule - and at least in part because I sensed that Keith was not happy with that 9AM appt on a day that was to be below zero in temperature.

Today I will again spend time listening and try to hear- and Trust- And we'll get our hair cut, maybe visit the church and maybe I will even venture back out and exercise.  It is cold and the sun is shining.

God is Good!

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