Sunday, January 19, 2014

John 1: 42 - linking thoughts

As I read my Gospel passage for today, I had concern for John as a couple of his disciples have chosen to leave John and follow Jesus.  Of course John pointed them out, and in that way possibly encouraged them to go.  But I wondered how John felt when a couple of his "friends" changed directions and followed his cousin.

I have decided that John was pleased - that much as I had "trained" nurses in the basics and they then moved on to other hospitals (and left me....), I was ultimately pleased for them and took some satisfaction that I had given them the basics.

But on what was my third reading of the final line in this passage, I see where two different versions of the passage say Jesus changed Simon's name to Cephas .  One version says this means Peter, and one version says it means stone.  I know later on Jesus will call Peter, the "rock" - fits with the stone part, but my medical training leads me to see cephas as "head".  Both then fit, Peter will be the head of the delegation, the head of the disciples, and the stone, on which the church is founded.

Thanks, God, for the intertwining of words and for my enjoyment with words.

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