Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Words and Signs

Julie Garmon challenges me to identify a word that will be "my word" for the year.  As I understand it, this word will signify my life for the year.  I have selected the word TRUST (as in Trust and Obey, for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey".  UMH #467.

As I looked up this hymn, I find it interesting that it is in a section identified as "Sanctifying and Perfecting Grace".  I guess that says something, and I think I'll leave that thought for just now and come back to the other part of my thoughts for today.

Signs -  I read Matt 16:1-4 today, where Jesus talks about us humans as interpreting signs, such as the red sky and night/ red sky in the AM as ways of predicting weather.  And for the first time I picked up, that it is not up to us (me-) to interpret the signs.  In fact, I suspect that means I should not try, so I have linked that scripture to my word, TRUST.  I am to trust in God's leading, in God's way, and not expect some earthly Sign to give me direction.

Thank you Lord that the worst of the "polar vortex" is over.  May I be more like the birds at my feeders, and trust that you will feed me, and keep me safe from cats and other creatures.  May I be a reflection of your unending love.  AMEN

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