Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mission and Service

In my readings this morning, I am reminded of Jesus' commandment to us, to love others.  And at the same time I am wrestling (again) with the concept o spiritual gifts.  Which brings me to servant leadership.

My desire in life is to make life easier for someone else.  That makes me think of "helping".  If I show my love of another by trying to help them - ease their burden - then how can they show love back to me at the same time.  I think they help me, by accepting my assistance.

So then, if I were going to "preach" that message, what would be a visible example?  And I call to mind the times I have tried to help someone get up, or turn over.  If they can help me - they mostly cooperate and ease my burden by not being rigid, or actually fighting my efforts.  Which then make me think of someone that is drowning, and back to my Life saving courses of oh so many years ago.  First you need to calm the downing person so they will quit fighting - the water, you, etc., then relax and let you control their movements.

Isn't that what God is doing with us - first trying to calm us?  Peace I give to you.  So that is how we try to help another person - by first being present, calming, getting their TRUST.

We are all one Body in Christ.  Christians first, then into denominations. So if I relax and let Christ work with me and through me, I will be better able to help someone else.  That is what a good servant does - helps you first to be calm and relax, then eases your work/journey.

Trust and obey-  Trust in the Lord.

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